
Rector has one main CLI command to process files. There are few less known, but useful commands that you might use in different situations:

Show loaded rules

Are you curious, how many rules are running in your project? Run:

vendor/bin/rector list-rules

You'll see list of all rules that are being run and skipped in your config.

vendor/bin/rector list-rules --config config/other-rector.php

Do you want to pipe result into next tool? Get it in JSON:

vendor/bin/rector list-rules --output-format json

Add Rector to your CI

Do you use Github Actions or Gitlab CI? Rector can generate a CI script for you:

vendor/bin/rector setup-ci

It will generate .github/workflows/rector.yaml or .gitlab-ci.yml file with Rector run that works for you. Fill you credentials and Rector will work for you on CI.

Generate Custom Rule

Do you want to create a custom rule? Rector can generate a basic structure for you:

vendor/bin/rector custom-rule

Just fill your rule name and Rector generates a basic structure for you, including psr-4 paths in composer.json. Don't forget to dump autoload, to enable the new psr-4 paths:

composer dump-autoload