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Replaces defined class constants in their calls.

-$value = SomeClass::OLD_CONSTANT;
-$value = SomeClass::OTHER_OLD_CONSTANT;
+$value = SomeClass::NEW_CONSTANT;
+$value = DifferentClass::NEW_CONSTANT;



Replaces defined classes by new ones.

 namespace App;

-use SomeOldClass;
+use SomeNewClass;

-function someFunction(SomeOldClass $someOldClass): SomeOldClass
+function someFunction(SomeNewClass $someOldClass): SomeNewClass
-    if ($someOldClass instanceof SomeOldClass) {
-        return new SomeOldClass;
+    if ($someOldClass instanceof SomeNewClass) {
+        return new SomeNewClass;



Change annotation to attribute

 use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

 class SymfonyRoute
-    /**
-     * @Route("/path", name="action") api route
-     */
+    #[Route(path: '/path', name: 'action')] // api route
     public function action()


Symplify form rendering by not calling ->createView() on render function

 use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

 class ReplaceFormCreateViewFunctionCall extends AbstractController
     public function form(): Response
         return $this->render('form.html.twig', [
-            'form' => $form->createView(),
+            'form' => $form,
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2


Replaces #[Security] framework-bundle attribute with Symfony native #[IsGranted] one

-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
+use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
+use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Attribute\IsGranted;

 class PostController extends Controller
-    #[Security("is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN')")]
+    #[IsGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')]
     public function index()

-    #[Security("is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') and is_granted('ROLE_FRIENDLY_USER')")]
+    #[IsGranted(new Expression("is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') and is_granted('ROLE_FRIENDLY_USER')"))]
     public function list()
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2


Replaces MessageHandlerInterface with AsMessageHandler attribute

-use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;

-class SmsNotificationHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
+class SmsNotificationHandler
     public function __invoke(SmsNotification $message)
         // ... do some work - like sending an SMS message!
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2


Replace MessageSubscriberInterface with AsMessageHandler attribute(s)

-use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Attribute\AsMessageHandler;

-class SmsNotificationHandler implements MessageSubscriberInterface
+class SmsNotificationHandler
-    public function __invoke(SmsNotification $message)
+    #[AsMessageHandler]
+    public function handleSmsNotification(SmsNotification $message)
         // ...

+    #[AsMessageHandler(priority: 0, bus: 'messenger.bus.default']
     public function handleOtherSmsNotification(OtherSmsNotification $message)
         // ...
-    }
-    public static function getHandledMessages(): iterable
-    {
-        // handle this message on __invoke
-        yield SmsNotification::class;
-        // also handle this message on handleOtherSmsNotification
-        yield OtherSmsNotification::class => [
-            'method' => 'handleOtherSmsNotification',
-            'priority' => 0,
-            'bus' => 'messenger.bus.default',
-        ];
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2


Replace ParamConverter attribute with mappings with the MapEntity attribute

+use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Attribute\MapEntity;
 class SomeController
-    #[ParamConverter('post', options: ['mapping' => ['date' => 'date', 'slug' => 'slug']])]
-    #[ParamConverter('comment', options: ['mapping' => ['comment_slug' => 'slug']])]
     public function showComment(
+        #[MapEntity(mapping: ['date' => 'date', 'slug' => 'slug'])]
         Post $post,

+        #[MapEntity(mapping: ['comment_slug' => 'slug'])]
         Comment $comment
     ) {
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2


Replaces ArgumentValueResolverInterface by ValueResolverInterface

-use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ArgumentValueResolverInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ValueResolverInterface;

-final class EntityValueResolver implements ArgumentValueResolverInterface
+final class EntityValueResolver implements ValueResolverInterface
-    public function supports(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): bool
-    {
-    }
     public function resolve(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): iterable
SETS:  symfony/* 6.2