Find the best Rector rule to solve your problem. Searching through 661 rules.
Found 12 rules:
Change annotations with value to attribute
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Ticket;
- * @ticket 123
- */
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
Change covers annotations with value to attribute
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversFunction;
- * @covers SomeClass
- */
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @covers ::someFunction()
- */
public function test()
Change Requires annotations with values to attributes
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
- * @requires PHP > 8.4
- * @requires PHPUnit >= 10
- * @requires OS Windows
- * @requires OSFAMILY Darwin
- * @requires function someFunction
- * @requires function \some\className::someMethod
- * @requires extension mysqli
- * @requires extension mysqli >= 8.3.0
- * @requires setting date.timezone Europe/Berlin
- */
+#[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhp('> 8.4')]
+#[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhpunit('>= 10')]
+#[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresMethod(\some\className::class, 'someMethod')]
+#[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhpExtension('mysqli', '>= 8.3.0')]
+#[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresSetting('date.timezone', 'Europe/Berlin')]
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @requires PHP > 8.4
- * @requires PHPUnit >= 10
- * @requires OS Windows
- * @requires OSFAMILY Darwin
- * @requires function someFunction
- * @requires function \some\className::someMethod
- * @requires extension mysqli
- * @requires extension mysqli >= 8.3.0
- * @requires setting date.timezone Europe/Berlin
- */
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhp('> 8.4')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhpunit('>= 10')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresOperatingSystem('Windows')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresOperatingSystemFamily('Darwin')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresFunction('someFunction')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresMethod(\some\className::class, 'someMethod')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhpExtension('mysqli')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresPhpExtension('mysqli', '>= 8.3.0')]
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\RequiresSetting('date.timezone', 'Europe/Berlin')]
public function test()
Change depends annotations with value to attribute
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
public function testOne() {}
- /**
- * @depends testOne
- */
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Depends('testOne')]
public function testThree(): void
Change @testWith() annotation to #[TestWith] attribute
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\TestWith;
final class SomeFixture extends TestCase
- /**
- * @testWith ["foo"]
- * ["bar"]
- */
+ #[TestWith(['foo'])]
+ #[TestWith(['bar'])]
public function test(): void
Change dataProvider annotations to attribute
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
- /**
- * @dataProvider someMethod()
- */
+ #[\PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider('someMethod')]
public function test(): void
Remove "setMethods()" method as never used, move methods to "addMethods()" if non-existent or @method magic
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
public function test()
$someMock = $this->getMockBuilder(SomeClass::class)
- ->setMethods(['run'])
Replace deleted PHPUnit methods: assertClassHasStaticAttribute, classHasStaticAttribute and assertClassNotHasStaticAttribute by property_exists()
-$this->assertClassHasStaticAttribute("Class", "property");
-$this->classHasStaticAttribute("Class", "property");
-$this->assertClassNotHasStaticAttribute("Class", "property");
+$this->assertTrue(property_exists("Class", "property"));
+$this->assertTrue(property_exists("Class", "property"));
+$this->assertFalse(property_exists("Class", "property"));
Refactor deprecated withConsecutive() to willReturnCallback() structure
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
public function run()
- $this->personServiceMock->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ $matcher = $this->exactly(2);
+ $this->personServiceMock->expects($matcher)
- ->withConsecutive(
- [1, 2],
- [3, 4],
- );
+ ->willReturnCallback(function (...$parameters) use ($matcher) {
+ if ($matcher->numberOfInvocations() === 1) {
+ self::assertEquals([1, 2], $parameters);
+ }
+ if ($matcher->numberOfInvocations() === 2) {
+ self::assertEquals([3, 4], $parameters),
+ };
+ });
Change data provider methods to public
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideData()
public function test()
- protected static function provideData()
+ public static function provideData()
yield [1];
Add Prophecy trait for method using $this->prophesize()
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+use Prophecy\PhpUnit\ProphecyTrait;
final class ExampleTest extends TestCase
+ use ProphecyTrait;
public function testOne(): void
$prophecy = $this->prophesize(\AnInterface::class);
Change data provider methods to static
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
final class SomeTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideData()
public function test()
- public function provideData()
+ public static function provideData()
yield [1];