Find the best Rector rule to solve your problem. Searching through 647 rules.
Found 19 rules:
Change typehint from Exception
to Throwable
-function handler(Exception $exception) { ... }
+function handler(Throwable $exception) { ... }
Changes $this->call() to static method to static call
class SomeClass
public static function run()
- $this->eat();
+ static::eat();
public static function eat()
Changes ereg*() to preg*() calls
Changes call_user_method()/call_user_method_array() to call_user_func()/call_user_func_array()
-call_user_method($method, $obj, "arg1", "arg2");
+call_user_func(array(&$obj, "method"), "arg1", "arg2");
Renames mktime() without arguments to time()
class SomeClass
public function run()
$time = mktime(1, 2, 3);
- $nextTime = mktime();
+ $nextTime = time();
Changes multiple dirname() calls to one with nesting level
+dirname($path, 2);
Changes rand, srand, and getrandmax to newer alternatives
Changes static call to instance call, where not useful
class Something
public function doWork()
class Another
public function run()
- return Something::doWork();
+ return (new Something)->doWork();
list() assigns variables in reverse order - relevant in array assign
-list($a[], $a[]) = [1, 2];
+list($a[], $a[]) = array_reverse([1, 2]);
list() cannot split string directly anymore, use str_split()
-list($foo) = "string";
+list($foo) = str_split("string");
Ensure variable variables are wrapped in curly braces
function run($foo)
- global $$foo->bar;
+ global ${$foo->bar};
Convert break outside for/foreach/switch context to return
class SomeClass
public function run()
if ($isphp5)
return 1;
return 2;
- break;
+ return;
Change if with isset and return to coalesce
class SomeClass
private $items = [];
public function resolve($key)
- if (isset($this->items[$key])) {
- return $this->items[$key];
- }
- return 'fallback value';
+ return $this->items[$key] ?? 'fallback value';
Use <=> spaceship instead of ternary with same effect
function order_func($a, $b) {
- return ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a > $b) ? 1 : 0);
+ return $a <=> $b;
Changes unneeded null check to ?? operator
-$value === null ? 10 : $value;
+$value ?? 10;
Remove first default switch, that is ignored
switch ($expr) {
- echo "Hello World";
- default:
echo "Goodbye Moon!";
list() cannot be empty
-'list() = $values;'
+'list($unusedGenerated) = $values;'
Changes if/else to spaceship <=> where useful
usort($languages, function ($first, $second) {
-if ($first[0] === $second[0]) {
- return 0;
-return ($first[0] < $second[0]) ? 1 : -1;
+return $second[0] <=> $first[0];
Changes PHP 4 style constructor to __construct.
class SomeClass
- public function SomeClass()
+ public function __construct()